Events 13-01-2025

ERODITE Final Conference: Dissemination and Networking Event


The ERODITE final conference served as a comprehensive dissemination and networking platform, bringing together project partners, students, and stakeholders to celebrate the achievements and reflect on the impacts of the project. This four-day event highlighted the integration of Earth Observation (EO) tools into education, showcased student and faculty contributions, and explored future collaborations among the participating institutions. 

Key Highlights: 

  1. Participation by the University of Tlemcen:

University of Tlemcen was proudly represented by a delegation led by: 

-Djawad ZENDAGUI, Vice Rector for Development, Prospective, and Orientation. 

-Mohammed Yazid CHERIF BENMOUSSA, Lecturer in Civil Engineering, involved in EO education programs. 

-Asmaa CHERIF ANNTAR, Head of the ISTA Science Department. 

-Participation by videoconference: 

-Abdellatif BAGHLI, ERODITE Project Lead at University of Tlemcen, participated online to present the results of the project and elaborate on the WP3: Quality Assurance contributions. 

-Abdelkader Boualam BENBOUZID (3rd year, Bachelor in Land Surveying-ISTA):“The 3D SLAM Scanner: An Innovative Tool for Academic and Professional Projects”. 

-Taha Mohamed Yacine MEHDAOUI (2nd year, Master in Geomatics and Land Management):“Local Applications for the 3D Laser Scanner”. 

-Noureddine BOUALAMAT (2nd year, Master in Geomatics and Land Management): “Future Perspectives and Developments with the 3D SLAM Laser Scanner”. 

  1. Networking and Dissemination Activities

Throughout the event, UABT representatives actively engaged in discussions with partners, fostering stronger ties for future collaborations. The presentations by industry experts further enriched the conference by showcasing cutting-edge applications of EO tools in geospatial industries. 

-UABT highlighted how the ERODITE platform has become a central resource for developing and implementing EO curricula, facilitating access to diverse thematic courses for both students and faculty. 

-As part of the dissemination efforts, Professor Djawad ZENDAGUI participated in an interview on the well-known Greek television program "Voice of Greece". During the interview, he discussed the significant benefits of the ERODITE project for UABT and its impact on the academic and professional landscape. Representatives from other partner universities also contributed to this program, creating widespread visibility for the project across Greece.